Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Buff Body of the Week

You know you have a buff body when...
You know you have a buff body when you're not afraid to show up half naked in Times Square to flaunt it for the masses. That's exactly what this week's Buff Body did.

I happened upon him while in New York City for the weekend. It was 10 p.m. on a Saturday night. All tattooed and oiled up (and with presumably nothing else to do) he had tied an elastic resistance band around a telephone poll and proceeded to do bicep curls right on the corner of Broadway. So, of course, I did what everybody was thinking. I approached him and asked what the heck he was doing. In response, he just smiled and murmurred something along the lines of, "Can't stop...won't stop... get it, get it."

Now that's what I call insane dedication (or maybe just plain insane)! Either way, he wins the first ever TTS award for fitness.

-- Markette

P.S. - If you would like to nominate a more reasonably ripped Buff Body for next week, then send a photo and workout details to thetravelingtalkshow@gmail.com.

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